Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Stop the Rules?

It is commonly held that I'm one of the Better Drivers on the road today; or at least it's a commonly held notion by me. I will also admit to not being entirely patient with others as they scurry to and fro about their business. And yes, Blue Language and Invective is sometimes involved. But What Is It with Running Stop Signs and Stop Lights?!

Folks no longer slow down as the lights turn yellow; they accelerate! And not just the one car (sometimes this includes me) sort of caught in the squeeze; it's the next four or five vehicles. I can be sitting there with a green light and still they come!

I seldom see even the 'California Stop' at the Octagonals anymore. If People are looking at all, it's to gauge whether they can pull on out onto the road before you reach them in hot moving traffic. It doesn't matter that they're driving 8 mph and accelerating ever so slowly. They Made It!

And even Face-to-Face at the Light with NO Turn Signal? The New Game is to make that turn In Front Of You before you can even BEGIN to accelerate through the intersection. Sheeesh!

I Swear! It's easier and safer to drive I-25 and on into Denver Town than in this place!

I DESPISE the Lack of Concern shown by Errant and Uncaring drivers! And WHERE IS that Kill Switch I can use on the other Guy's Car when I need it?


  1. LOL - you mean we're supposed to FOLLOW the rules? Oh - is that why they came up with them? The city just needs more cops to enforce the laws I guess... if more folks obeyed the traffic laws, maybe we could free up a few cops to take care of matters like murders, rapes, robberies, etc....

  2. On my drive home last night I encountered a line of police cars and fire trucks. It seems someone didn't obey the laws, went too fast, somehow went off the road flying 80 feet before landing in a drainage ditch. This was a big drop from the road. He then ran away from their car. Of course the police were able to track them down from the registration in the car. He was lucky to be alive.

  3. Yeah, Diane - I wondered why he ran. The paper didn't really say....
