Monday, April 4, 2011

Travelogue: Days 3 & 4

Hi, Emily---

Sorry about the delayed post. Sometimes I don't get to a computer in a timely way; I must beg as I can for the House Guest Computer where I lodge for the evening.

A little regarding my Friday. I must confess I had not even heard of Garth Stein prior to the advertisement of this Conference. I picked up 'The Art of Racing in the Rain' on spec, thinking I should read it if I can before the Guest Speaker guest spoke. Well, I did read it and can tell you it's been a long time since I've been thus so profoundly affected and wept because of something in print. It's fresh (Canine, 1st Person) and worthy of your time. I thought of your puppy, Carlo, several times.

I spent the remainder of morning at a Chat House with like-minded Colleagues interested in Adult Fiction. And Yes! Of course we were on the Bay with a Wonderful, Wind-blown, Salty, Artisticly Inspiring View!

Bailed out of a good part of the afternoon and took myself for a Walk and then a Nap. Fatigue and Sugar issues I s'pose.

Dinner with the various Authors, Presenters, Editors, Publishers and Colleagues. Wonderful Conversation with several New Friends. (I maintain that Chardonnay is for Women and Sissies! Bring on the Pinot!)

My Saturday was invested in Evaluation, Selection and Publication of 'Worthy' Personal Writing Projects. These Folks definitely know their Stuff and don't putz around! Speaker after Speaker had something -- often many things -- that caught my attention. Lots of Useful Notes! Plenty of primary and secondary Reference Points! I fancy I've burned out one pen already! It was charred at the tip when I tossed it into the trash earlier this morning!

We fancy ourselves that Writing is so Artistic. And yes, I'm vain enough to think that at least some of what I write really is of literary quality. But what I heard Friday and Saturday (and Sunday) is 'Writing is a Business!'

Yes! I hear you! This I know! I'm convinced! I PROMISE I'll work faithfully the Business End of Personal Publication!

Evening Contemplation, Meditation, Prayers and to Bed.

But my mind is racing with Possibility!


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