Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Running the Signs, (cont)

A few weeks ago, I posted regarding my concerns of various citizens in my neighborhood running stop signs and a stop light close to our elementary school. When I contacted the police department via their Web-Site, I was passed to the Sand Creek Division, who referred me to the head of the Springs motorcycle patrol, who sent be back again to the Division, and specifically directed to me the crime prevention officer. Actually, I expected this. But along the way I learned a couple of things:

·        The motorcycle patrol is tasked with the top 25 schools/areas of concern. Apparently, we ain’t one of ‘em.

·        It really won’t be helpful to police to photograph or even video these culprits as most judges will not accept this as evidence in their courts. Tickets written by an observing officer are preferred.

Now the officers I spoke to seemed kind-hearted and empathetic but we really didn’t get anywhere. And of course school is now out for the summer so my primary concerns seem moot—at least for a season.

I think I’ll contact the school principal and get her take on the level of concern as voiced by others. Secondly, I’ll contact the Sand Creek Homeowners Association to determine if this has been brought up by others.

In the meantime, some Folks are still running the stop signs and the red light at the end of street. I’ll call the police again and complain. Then at least I’ll be on record.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Classical Preferences

I love our local Classical Music Station, KCME. I really do! I listen frequently and contribute to the cause, so I figure I can vent a little. I may even send a copy of this blog to the station; they should know how I feel.

·        There is too much piano by far! And excuse me but at least half of the 90% (Berra?) recorded from the boatload written is worthless drivel.

·        Please play more vocal music: arias, choral selections, art songs, operatic segments, etc. And when you so do, play a version featuring the human voice, not just some re-arranged orchestral elevator claptrap.

·        Tagging in on the previous point, Gilbert & Sullivan are worthy of more air time.

·        Most anything having to do with theme and variations should remain in the composer’s study and/or the rehearsal room. There are few exceptions to this rule.

·        Consider playing the entire symphony rather than selected movements? And perhaps program some of the lesser-know symphonies?

·        Maybe take a risk and play some Schönberg, Hindemith, Ligeti or Tippett?

·        How about more in the way of Medieval Music? Percussion Ensemble? Ethnic renderings? There’s a treasure trove in Jewish music alone!

·        I’m good for authentic renderings of our great musical works rather than transcriptions: an organ piece performed on organ, original band works performed by a fine wind band, harpsichord and virginal music so played, etc.

·        Asking a fine symphony orchestra or chorus to attempt to perform jazz is like trying to teach a raccoon to dance—your instructional efforts are pretty much wasted, and you also annoy the ‘coon. Stop it.

And of course, you’ve all a right to my opinion.

Monday, May 13, 2013

10 Favorite Symphonies

Yup. Sometimes a good list is all that’s required. Today you get my 10 Favorite Symphonies. They’re current to the moment but fluid and subject to change.

10 Favorite Symphonies

1.     Dvořák                      Symphony no 9                  E Minor

2.     Brahms                      Symphony no 4                  E Minor

3.     Shostakovich           Symphony no 5                  D Minor

4.     Brahms                      Symphony no 3                  F Major

5.     Beethoven                Symphony no 5                  C Minor

6.     Schubert                   Symphony no 9                  C Major

7.     Mozart                      Symphony no 40                G Minor

8.     Mahler                      Symphony no 5                  C-sharp Minor

9.     Beethoven                Symphony no 7                  A Major

10.   Mahler                     Symphony no 8                  E-flat Major

Feel free to post your own list as a reply.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Stop Signs!

Just a few days ago, I posted the following on Facebook:

Some folks in our neighborhood run the Stop Signs frequently. Living next to an elementary school seems to make little difference – even when kids are going to school or being released. Police know but just can't be here all the time. Any suggestions?

I received several helpful responses and entertained also the possibilities of shotgun and flame-thrower . . .

Earlier this afternoon, I posted the following on the Colorado Springs Police Department FB Page:

A Question, please.

 I live in the Sand Creek Division. Being recently retired, I can't help but notice a lot of folks running the stop signs in the neighborhood. This is of special concern since we live next door to an elementary school. It doesn't seem to make a difference; people run the signs just the same--even as kids are walking to school in the morning and during their release in the afternoon.

How can I help calm this down? Is Photography of the offenders at all helpful? I'm thinking Video in particular.

I'm concerned and annoyed and would see our neighborhood a better and safer place.

Thanks for all you do!

This is a major concern I have. I’ll keep you apprised of what I find out.