Monday, August 15, 2011

Grace can be SO Amazing!

A few minutes ago, I finished a FB Message to a young friend who'd asked me about a recent post I'd made regarding 'Grace.' I don't think this person would mind if I shared my response with you . . .

Good Morning, __________

A little over two years ago, Debra took me to the hospital--chest pains. Through the usual treatments and tests we agreed that I needed a heart-bypass (4x) procedure that would re-route blood sufficient to keep my heart working and me alive. I was not a very friendly person for those first couple of days.

I saw nothing. I heard nothing. No bright lights entered the room No glow in the corner. But sometime during the night before surgery it was made plain to me that regardless of what happened, I'd be OK. I calmed down and went on to sleep--quite a surprise that I could do so.

I had the surgery, went through the pains of recovery, etc. but never again had the crippling fear of dying, of leaving Debra and my Family. The change was remarkable and Debra and several others noticed the difference. This is God's Grace.

There have been other times He's extended his Mercies as well over the years. Sometimes for me; more often for Family Members and Friends. Much of the time I've been aware. But I suspect we've been blessed otherwise when I never knew it.

The best treatment on Grace I'm aware of is 'What's So Amazing About Grace,' by Philip Yancey. The Biblical references are there and the writing is superior. I recommend it highly.

Oh, at work a couple of days ago, a Guest gave me a note that she'd been prompted to write. Essentially, it was from Jesus and she felt led to do this for me. It came at precisely the right time and was something I needed to hear. This is Grace also.

Kindly Regards,


Monday, August 1, 2011

Kim Chi 101

Rub not your eyes, neither scratch at the nether regions, after processing with naked hands the Pepper Jalapeno. Kim Chi 101.02  01082011

Dear Writers, Published Authors, Editors, Publishers, etc.

Recently, I've connected with several of you on FaceBook. Thank You for agreeing to our new Friendship after this fashion! I've written for many, many years. Educational and Academic Papers of all kinds. Business and Technical Writing the past few years. I can hold my own with Poetical Forms and I'm really excellent with Essays and Articles. I've a couple of dozen Book and Film Reviews on Amazon I'm partial to, writing under the name of Russell de Ville. I've even taken a turn at this Blogging Thing.

I've had it in mind for years to write a Novel. I've now finished a Historical Western, 'Cheyenne Swirling,' save for Final Revisions and Polishing. I think it's pretty good. Really Good even! Tell you what though . . . sustaining such a long form for over two years has been a new experience with an amazingly challenging Learning Curve! Whew!

Point Being, thanks for connecting with me. I look forward to learning more of YOU by means of FB, your Web-Sites, your Blogs--and especially your Writings otherwise. I want to absorb your Experiences, Styles, Choices of Genre, and general knowledge of the Craft of Writing according you YOUR Interests and Tastes. It should be an interesting Journey.

Oh, for anything of mine you see in print? Please feel free to offer critique and criticism. And especially encouragement!

You Guyz Rock!