Wednesday, November 16, 2011

'neath the Beaver Moon

‘neath the Beaver Moon
10 November 2011

‘neath the Beaver Moon
silence erupts steadfastly
breaking down my Fears

Concerns flittering
Conversation with MySelf
Arthritis argues

Pocket Brain’s Display
Neurons sluggish and fatigued
Somnolence does Reign

Double-Fiber Bread
Orange Juice fifty percent
slaps the Fasting Climb

‘tis quite the Challenge!
Hypoglycemic Haiku
in the Dead of Night

Electric Rhythms
accompany the morning
face the world anew

Monday, August 15, 2011

Grace can be SO Amazing!

A few minutes ago, I finished a FB Message to a young friend who'd asked me about a recent post I'd made regarding 'Grace.' I don't think this person would mind if I shared my response with you . . .

Good Morning, __________

A little over two years ago, Debra took me to the hospital--chest pains. Through the usual treatments and tests we agreed that I needed a heart-bypass (4x) procedure that would re-route blood sufficient to keep my heart working and me alive. I was not a very friendly person for those first couple of days.

I saw nothing. I heard nothing. No bright lights entered the room No glow in the corner. But sometime during the night before surgery it was made plain to me that regardless of what happened, I'd be OK. I calmed down and went on to sleep--quite a surprise that I could do so.

I had the surgery, went through the pains of recovery, etc. but never again had the crippling fear of dying, of leaving Debra and my Family. The change was remarkable and Debra and several others noticed the difference. This is God's Grace.

There have been other times He's extended his Mercies as well over the years. Sometimes for me; more often for Family Members and Friends. Much of the time I've been aware. But I suspect we've been blessed otherwise when I never knew it.

The best treatment on Grace I'm aware of is 'What's So Amazing About Grace,' by Philip Yancey. The Biblical references are there and the writing is superior. I recommend it highly.

Oh, at work a couple of days ago, a Guest gave me a note that she'd been prompted to write. Essentially, it was from Jesus and she felt led to do this for me. It came at precisely the right time and was something I needed to hear. This is Grace also.

Kindly Regards,


Monday, August 1, 2011

Kim Chi 101

Rub not your eyes, neither scratch at the nether regions, after processing with naked hands the Pepper Jalapeno. Kim Chi 101.02  01082011

Dear Writers, Published Authors, Editors, Publishers, etc.

Recently, I've connected with several of you on FaceBook. Thank You for agreeing to our new Friendship after this fashion! I've written for many, many years. Educational and Academic Papers of all kinds. Business and Technical Writing the past few years. I can hold my own with Poetical Forms and I'm really excellent with Essays and Articles. I've a couple of dozen Book and Film Reviews on Amazon I'm partial to, writing under the name of Russell de Ville. I've even taken a turn at this Blogging Thing.

I've had it in mind for years to write a Novel. I've now finished a Historical Western, 'Cheyenne Swirling,' save for Final Revisions and Polishing. I think it's pretty good. Really Good even! Tell you what though . . . sustaining such a long form for over two years has been a new experience with an amazingly challenging Learning Curve! Whew!

Point Being, thanks for connecting with me. I look forward to learning more of YOU by means of FB, your Web-Sites, your Blogs--and especially your Writings otherwise. I want to absorb your Experiences, Styles, Choices of Genre, and general knowledge of the Craft of Writing according you YOUR Interests and Tastes. It should be an interesting Journey.

Oh, for anything of mine you see in print? Please feel free to offer critique and criticism. And especially encouragement!

You Guyz Rock!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Again in the Dead of Night . . .

New Moon Haiku
31 July 2011

Eyes burning tiredness
Mindful of missing Cream Cheese
Aardvark marches on

Phantom Pickle reigns
Dust Bunnies float on the Lake
Minced Adverbs Abound

Fan Blades spin Eastward
Mousakah needs Tabasco
‘Davita’s Harp twice stilled . . .

Friday, July 8, 2011

Ambien Haiku

The other evening I was having an especially difficult night sleeping. I'd already gone to bed twice and got back up. I finally took an Ambien about 0115.

Ambien works really well for me, which I suppose is why I don't like to take it (along with other discretionary meds) unless I really have to.

During the 45 minutes or so I was waiting for it to take effect (it usually begins within 20!), I doodled around on FB via my BlackBerry and came up with some 'interesting' poetry.

@ 0125
Brain to oatmeal turns
Mixed with night's weary slumber
Gentle breezes coax

Noodle disengaged
Sliding to drug fed slumber
Poet slinks to bed

Too long on sofa
Second Gear untoothed groove slips
Mumbles ummm Biscuits

Finally reclined me
Back to the master suite traipsed
O2 meets night night

I received a few comments from "I'm getting a perscription for that stuff" to concerns about my reputation.

I'm really OK. I just needed a little help getting to sleep.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Thoughts & Observations for Monday

I love renewing Friendships, developing New Contacts, and working on that Bonding so particular to Writers!

Angela Hunt is amazing as an Author, as are Nancy Rue, Bill Myers and Kathy Mackel. But what's also especially appealing about the Writing Staff is that they're personable, accessable, and extraordinarily capable Teachers!

Questions and Answers Session this Afternoon. Not anyone's party-line or at any publisher's directive; just Personal Answers and Opinions to some really excellent questions.

A rather somber film I'd never seen before. A B & W with Robert Duval and Olga Bellin. I'll be thinking about 'Tomorrow' for a while tonight. Discussion in the morning with Angela. Hmmmmm.

My Brain is Weary!

Good Night.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

@ Glen Eyrie to find the Juice

OK. So I'm at another Writers' Conference--actually a Workshop. There'll be no Editors to impress or Publishers to hound here. Just some Very Good Writers among my several Colleagues and a Wonderful and Experienced Instructional Staff.

So, what am I here for then? Perhaps to reconnect with certain writing styles anew? Hope so. True, I have been pulled into mostly business writing recently but that's not a bad thing, is it? Besides, I like business writing. I like the detail and utility of what I have to offer; the value of  helping myself and others become more productive and efficient and confident in the workplace.

There have been some Distractions. Issues with Health or Stressors among Friends and Family or Pursuits that've caught my interest and fancy otherwise. And too, it's easy to be Lazy! And I'm soooo good at it! I like to practice it whenever I can!

Gotta work on Focus and Re-Dedication and finding the Juice. A few adjustments required and then Rock On. At least that's what I'm hoping.

I'll share a few things with you along the way. And then, oh yes, we shall see.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Please . . . Get a FB Fan Page


I suppose I shouldn't complain, but I'm going to. Maybe I don't have license or interest or investment in a particular business venture like some, but I do work in the Business World and have some Stroooong Opinions.

My FaceBook is being cluttered more and more by Personal Profile Pages serving as a Business Page. With Fan Pages that's totally fine 'cause I usually know what I'm liking. And Personal Profiles that make suggestion or offer links to Business Pursuits is likewise OK. I do the same sometimes regarding where I work. 

But really, multiple posts of advertising and please join 'this or that cause' or intrusive gaming is really an annoyance for me. So are the posts of Folks who obviously don't tend to their Page (including Fan Pages), or who seem to constantly lack simple Spam discerning skills.

So sorry, but if you fall into one of these categories, please reconsider developing a Fan Page or at least monitoring your Wall a bit more closely?

Otherwise . . . you're gone. 

Yes, I feel so much better now! 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Side Effects

Earlier this morning I was awakened to a sense of fairly significant flushing - perhaps a 9.2 on a scale of 10 whereas 10 = Spontanious Combustion. This happens sometimes as a Side-Effect of Medications I must take. At this point I'm ON FIRE; and with this level of intensity (it varies) I left my bed, got a slice of bread and a glass of DP for a light breakfast, sat in 'my spot' on the sofa and posted the following series of comments to FaceBook via my BlackBerry:
  • Except for a few birds, a very quiet morning. gonna be Beautiful today! -at least for a while.
  • Patience and Humility . . .
  • Flashed Awake . . .
  • Dr Pepper and 7-Grain Bread.
  • Social-Media Ever-Shifting . . .
  • Love Red Hair!
  • Socks to Bed or No?
  • Where are my Alphabets?
  • Gotta Work on Blog and Book today!
  • 'Black Swan?' Depravity!
  • Chills Now! Need Cover! Brrr!
  • Needing a Hug . . .
  • Prickly Skin and Burning Eyes . . .
And a little later, after I'd napped some more:
  • "Be Excellent to Each Other!"
So . . . maybe I wasn't so lucid during this experience. Interpretations Invited!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What is it about the word 'No?'

I have several Stress Buttons; I suppose most Folks do. I'd like to think that as I get older I'm also maturing and gaining a bit more control regarding my reactions to such challenges, but I know sometimes I don't succeed.

What is it about the word 'No' that People don't/won't understand? It it because it's often couched in smiles and diplomacy? "Unfortunately not." or "So Sorry, but we won't be able to do that for you." or "Yes, this procedure is fairly restrictive, isn't it?" I don't try to be patronizing. I really resist being rude. And I'm pretty good and smoothing over difficulties and offering acceptable alternatives. 

But what is it about some People who think asking their Question several different ways will secure an answer more agreeable to their original purpose? And too, why is bullying and abusing someone seemingly so acceptable in the marketplace? I've seen colleagues in tears and I know I've wanted to bite a hole in the Front Desk at least twice.

I recognize when the stress of the moment is getting to me; there are at least two symptoms: the hairs on my (red) neck stand, and my Sciatica begins to act up.

Dear Guests and Customers and especially Off-Property Visitors -- I'd bend over backwards to assist you. But really, sometimes 'No' means 'No.'

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Travelogue: Day 8 (7 April 2011)

Hi Emily---

Breakfast with Jane and Amanda this morning. Coffee and ersatz Bear Claw for me. Kait came by a little later and joined us. Beautiful morning in Las Vegas! 

We went to visit a house desperately in need of renovation and attention in regard to its walls and some unfortunate furnishings. It was fun to observe these Women in action. Being of the male persuasion, I thought it best to remove myself to the dining table whilst they focused on the Great Room. Obviously, I asked some worthless question or made some smart remark from time to time. Couldn't help myself. Ehhh, we all live on a Yellow Submarine anyway . . .

Then back to the Homestead to gather my things. To the Airport, Farewells and then on through Security.

LAS to DEN to COS and Home.

I held a Jewel in my fingers--
And went to sleep--
The day was warm, and winds were prosy--
I said " 'Twill keep"--

I woke--and chid my honest fingers,
The Gem was gone--
And now, an Amethyst remembrance
Is all I own--

Yes. Oh, Very Yes. Your Verse still works for me.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Travelogue: Day 7 (6 April 2011)

Dear Emily---

Spent much of the morning out at Red Rock Canyon. Mercifully, it was only in the 70s or so with the fresh breeze that accompanies the all-too-rare rainy mist. Just absolutely Beautiful Desert! Wonderful Geology in the Mohave! But I'm pleased to have missed it at 112 Degrees!

Lunch in the Private Community in which my Las Vegas Friends live. Upscale. A style to which I'd loooove to become accustomed! Not unlike a Country Club. Gated Community. Walls and Armed Guards. Many of the houses border the Golf Course. Very nice homes of extraordinarily appealing designs.

Then Downtown to The Bellagio! Gaming is not for me so I didn't indulge. Fountains and Flowers though! Superb design and display. Gorgeous! Then to Paris. Should have gone up the Tower but did not. Rather expensive dessert and coffee (What's not on The Strip?!). Obligatory Pic of the Welcome to Las Vegas sign. Lots and Lots of Conversation--and a blister or two.

Back to the House for a Golf Cart Tour of the Neighborhood. Then a Glass of Red, more talking into the night and to bed.

This trip is drawing to a close but it's been Excellent thus far.

Pet the Puppy for me?

Love You Much,


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Travelogue: Day 6 (5 April 2011)

Hi, Emily---

(This Note is a little stale and I'm sorry for it. I didn't always have access to a computer; only what I could rustle up where I was staying in public accommodation. And that often at odd hours.) 

I left Oak Harbor this morning and was saddened to depart so soon. I would like to have spent a few more days and checked out more of her several nooks and crannies. But for what I envisioned for two days I managed quite well. Perhaps I'll be able to return. Another whack at the Whidbey Island Writers Conference perhaps?

I drove out to the north which took me over Deception Pass. Stopped for about half an hour to climb about the bridge and gawk at the view and shoot some BB Pics. Then on over to I-5 and south back to Seattle. A bit of mist here and there but no worries. Good flight to LAX for my connection and then a 757 on to LAV. Nice Plane--and were we packed! (Airport Food can be quite awful BTW--and Expensive! $22 for a stale Club Sandwich and a little wisp of a Salad? Whew!)

Saw a little of the City when leaving McCarran Airport. Plan to spend a good deal of time on the Strip tomorrow. It's already late, so I managed happily with a home-built cheese sandwich and some friendly conversation with Springs Folks who recently moved here.

Great visiting close Friends in Las Vegas! Their home straddles a Golf Course outside of the city and is so lovely! Gentle Breeze through the Palm Trees! (You can use that if you wish.) Stars Bright through the Desert Air. A little CSI NY in my room, an Ambien and on to sleep.

Good Night to You also, Emily,


Monday, April 4, 2011

Travelogue: Day 5

Hi, Emily---

Rain All Day today in Oak Harbor. Ran about the Town just the same. Lunch and Dinner at 'FlyerS' and 'Seabolt's,' Local Establishments the Both of 'em; NO McCardBoard's or Whimpey's for me!

Writing Conf Review. Writing Conf Follow-Up Research. Writing. Clarity of Purpose Defined. More Writing. Focus and Direction Established. Still more Writing. Yes! This IS my Idea of Fun! BwaaHaaHaaHaa!

Called Mom! Visited some about the times She and Papa were stationed here. Wish She and Sister could have come up with me. Post Cards to some Folks. My MaMa looooves getting her Post Cards for where 'er her Children might be . . .

Enjoy a Quiet Evening,


Travelogue: Days 3 & 4

Hi, Emily---

Sorry about the delayed post. Sometimes I don't get to a computer in a timely way; I must beg as I can for the House Guest Computer where I lodge for the evening.

A little regarding my Friday. I must confess I had not even heard of Garth Stein prior to the advertisement of this Conference. I picked up 'The Art of Racing in the Rain' on spec, thinking I should read it if I can before the Guest Speaker guest spoke. Well, I did read it and can tell you it's been a long time since I've been thus so profoundly affected and wept because of something in print. It's fresh (Canine, 1st Person) and worthy of your time. I thought of your puppy, Carlo, several times.

I spent the remainder of morning at a Chat House with like-minded Colleagues interested in Adult Fiction. And Yes! Of course we were on the Bay with a Wonderful, Wind-blown, Salty, Artisticly Inspiring View!

Bailed out of a good part of the afternoon and took myself for a Walk and then a Nap. Fatigue and Sugar issues I s'pose.

Dinner with the various Authors, Presenters, Editors, Publishers and Colleagues. Wonderful Conversation with several New Friends. (I maintain that Chardonnay is for Women and Sissies! Bring on the Pinot!)

My Saturday was invested in Evaluation, Selection and Publication of 'Worthy' Personal Writing Projects. These Folks definitely know their Stuff and don't putz around! Speaker after Speaker had something -- often many things -- that caught my attention. Lots of Useful Notes! Plenty of primary and secondary Reference Points! I fancy I've burned out one pen already! It was charred at the tip when I tossed it into the trash earlier this morning!

We fancy ourselves that Writing is so Artistic. And yes, I'm vain enough to think that at least some of what I write really is of literary quality. But what I heard Friday and Saturday (and Sunday) is 'Writing is a Business!'

Yes! I hear you! This I know! I'm convinced! I PROMISE I'll work faithfully the Business End of Personal Publication!

Evening Contemplation, Meditation, Prayers and to Bed.

But my mind is racing with Possibility!


Friday, April 1, 2011

Travelogue: Day 2

Dear Emily---

Another long day today but not bad at all! I'll tell you one thing though; the Rain on this Island is Frequent and Wet! Certainly Wetter than in Colorado! But it's all been good.

Went to some very good Sessions today. One thing I'll need to focus on if I expect to sell anything is 'How to Pitch your Novel' for Introverts. Anymore, we're expected to sell to the Agent, sell to the Publisher, sell to the Marketplace. Oy Veh! What think you of E-Publication?

Very Colorful Writing Colleagues here in Coupeville. One reminds me of you in many ways. Her hair is not quite as deep an auburn as yours and she's perhaps a bit more pensive. Ahhhh, maybe I fit in all too well. I get a sense that not too many Folks come up here in a Dry-as-a-Bone Duster and Cowboy Hat.

Seafood again tonight. What?! Surely you weren't expecting me to come to the Great Northwest just to eat Chicken! But truth is, I miss MaMa's Cornbread!

More tomorrow, I'm sure. I've got some reading to do and then bedward for me.

Your devoted Adventurer,


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Travelogue: Day 1

Dear Emily---

Got into Coupeville about mid-afternoon. Travel was a smooth as I've ever seen it. Still, it was a very long day. Coupeville is located just about halfway up Whidbey Island and is just as lovely as anything I've seen in Amherst. Well, a lot different in some ways but very nice.

Settled into my room and decided to enjoy a little reading time. Trying to finish Garth Stein's 'The Art of Racing in the Rain' before he speaks at the Writers' Conference Sat a.m. Excellent Read thus far! I wouldn't have known that a dog's point of view could be so interesting!

Went for some Dinner (or is it Supper?) at Christopher's -- just across the street from where I'm staying. Check this out:
  *Cream of Tomato Soup with Fresh Spinach and Parmesan Cheese Garnish and a Grilled Prawn hanging from an ultra-thin bread stick (OK, maybe you needed to be there).
  *Mixed Salad Greens with the House Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing.
  *Fresh (!) Salmon on a bed or Wild Rice and Fresh Sauteed Greens. Accompanied with whole Green Beans and  thinly sliced Carrot.
  *A very nice Pinot Noir from the Willamette Valley to accompany.
  *Raspberry Crepes with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream.
  *Freshly Brewed Coffee

A Very Promising start to my Week!

More later . . . from another Nobody,


Friday, March 25, 2011

Film Review Reprint: 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding'

Film Review/DVD
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Joel Zwick, Director
Time Warner/HBO #91993
©2002   95 minutes

I’m uncertain how I came to view this film. It may well be that my daughter brought it over when I last had ‘The Bug,’ hoping to lighten my day by a little innocuous entertainment.

It must have worked. This movie is delightfully charming! Nia Vardalos has knocked together a script that is witty and quirky and hilarious, intellectually and culturally satisfying, and just plain fun!

Tom Hanks, the executive producer, must have seen something in the possibilities as well, so I stand in good company. We’re guys who are both confident enough to enjoy a good ‘chick flick’ when offered the opportunity.

The casting is superb! Nia, as a seasoned ‘Second City’ player, more than holds her own with veterans Lainie Kazan, Michael Constantine and Andrea Martin. John Corbett is a delight in his roll as Nia’s new and surprisingly non-Greek love interest, Ian.

The film is honest and loving and holds to familial relationships as being wonderfully important. The soundtrack includes just enough Greek tunes and motives to color the action without being overpowering or intrusive.

I even enjoyed watching it with Greek subtitles, this language being one of which I’ve had some minimal instruction. My favorite quote, as given by brother Nick (Louis Mandylor) to Toula (Vardalos):

. . .μην αφήσεις το παρελθόν σου να σου υπαγορεύει το ποια είσαι. . .
άφησέ το, όμως, να γίνει μέρος αυτού που θα γίνεις.

“Don’t let your past dictate who you are, but let it be part of who you will become.” So you see, for the obligatory higher IQ requirement, a little Greek philosophy (well, OK, ‘Dear Abby’) is included.

If you’re considering an easy and light evening of romantic entertainment, I highly recommend this film!

Five Stars this trip!

Russell de Ville
24 March 2006
(original post)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Remarkable Blessing

I work with some pretty amazing People; they're quite wonderful really! Our situation is a Remarkable Blessing for which I'm truly grateful and I try to remember to thank God Almighty every day!

Glen Eyrie has been a place of common employment, a place of physical and spiritual healing, a place of meaningful prayer and a place to be of legitimate service to others.

Most of the Folks I work with are smarter than I am. I believe all of them of quicker than I am! But they tolerate me and strengthen me and lift me up when I falter and are forever teaching me how better to love the Lord.

We host People of all stripes and types with most attending a Program or a Conference, a Wedding or Tea or some Day Event. Some come perhaps needing a place of solace -- even solitude -- for a few days. We're there for them. 

And all the Glory goes to God! 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Prayer is the Key

A few weeks ago it became evident to me that I needed to work a bit more on issues surrounding Forgiveness. I had this on my mind when two different Friends at two different times made specific book recommendations on Prayer. To one I had mentioned Forgiveness as a concern during a life-coaching session; to the other--our Guest Services Manager-- I'd simply asked about his latest book recommendation. Both immediately thought of and suggested Prayer.

I've read twice the first section of Conversation with God, by Lloyd John Ogilvie. In it I found a mechanism and the rationale for a more consistent and directed prayer life. I'm also well into Prayer: Does It Make Any difference? by Philip Yancey. It too I've recognized as very helpful regarding where I need to go in my Prayer Life.

The past few days I've been Reading and Reflecting and Praying and Praising and Resting in the Lord. This is not so easy ofttimes, for ol' Scratch seems to want to throw up barriers and distract me (such harsh language and images!) and tell me, "What a waste of time this is!" But if I'm going to be able to forgive certain others, and perhaps forgive myself from time to time, I know I need to invest in more sustained, focused and meaningful Prayer. I will need the conviction and encouragement and enpowerment that only God can provide.

In flipping back through my One Year Book of Encouragement (ed Harold Myra) earlier today, I settled in on a statement from the entry for March 8 that I'd discovered only a few days ago:

Praying for others changes our attitudes, even about those who do outrageously hurtful things. 

It now makes so incredibly much sense.

Perhaps you'll pray for me also?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Film Review Reprint: 'Snow Falling on Cedars'

Film Review/DVD
Snow Falling On Cedars
Scott Hicks, Director
Universal  #20558
©1996   128 minutes

I love Cinema! I love exploring and considering what decisions a fine Director chooses in making a film, though I’m certain I don’t understand every aspect of the process.

I must confess I’ve had to watch ‘Snow Falling On Cedars’ several times to really appreciate the interpretation and artistic qualities Director Scott Hicks incorporated. I had read the book several years ago and had forgotten a lot of the detail, so this film was challenging for me at first.

Lots of movies that I enjoy are not so difficult to view. They are often well produced and directed, though not necessarily. Many incorporate the best and most interesting actors, but not always. The movies that interest me can be quite entertaining and easy to watch the first screening, with a very select few ending up in my collection at some point. But ‘Snow Falling on Cedars’ hardly fits this “easy to watch” category; it is truly more of an Art Film.

I re-introduced myself to ‘Snow Falling on Cedars’ as film after reviewing the Soundtrack. I’m a Music Teacher by trade and avocation and came across it when sorting out some CDs at school. Watching it again required focus and concentration on my part and my initial reaction was “This is maybe a two or three-star film -- OK, but not really outstanding.”

It was either Siskel or Ebert – I dis-remember which – who made a comment to the effect that we of this generation seem to lack patience in letting a particular film develop, in letting its storyline and intricacies and details be revealed to us gradually, and often subtly. This may be part of the ‘instant gratification’ that has been incorporated into our collective, post-modern personas; at least this seems true for me.

I will suggest that ‘Snow Falling on Cedars’ is well worth your time. It may be helpful to read the book (again) though I haven’t yet. It may be helpful to go through the Extras on the DVD, though some will say that the film should stand on its own merits. In this instance, I disagree; go ahead and do some homework. (I went to my copy of William Manchester’s fine memoir ‘Goodbye Darkness’ to brush up a little on Tarawa.) Watch it with the sound off. Watch it with the French language track. Listen to the Director’s Commentary at least once. Read the DVD historical background regarding Manzanar. Certainly give especial attention to such great acting moments as Nels’ (Max von Sydow) Summation in chapter 16.  

If you have the interest and patience to do the research and view the film several times over several days, things wondrous and beautiful may reveal themselves to you, as they did to me. Rather than expecting an immediate reaction, consider this work as you would a complex wine, or Ansel Adams’ photographs or a Gustav Mahler symphony: an artistic effort to be experienced time and again. I believe it’s that good.

I recommend this film highly so Four Stars from me.

Russell de Ville
11 March 2011

p.s. I write my Film and Books Reviews for Amazon using the name Russell de Ville. Cute, Huh!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Second Mile Service

I visited with a new and much younger colleague recently regarding an incident at work where a Guest was asking for more than she was entitled to according to our Standard Operating Procedures. When the Guest complained further, she took it upon herself to find a solution by contacting the right People, asking a few questions regarding taking care of the Guest's needs and then following through by checking to see that she'd done the right thing.

Well, we've all been groused at before; sometimes it's justified and many times not so much.

But what I was impressed with so much is that despite being upset at the situation, our Staffer worked the problem and gave that Guest what we refer to as Second Mile Service. Of her, I'm quite proud!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Responding to

OK then. After in-depth consultations with my Outstanding Research Staff it seems that you need to have a Google Account or use one of the other options listed and log-in to post directly to the Blog. As I'm going to probably link the majority of my Posts to Facebook, most Folks might choose to simply respond in the Facebook Comment Section.

If I find a better way, I'll be sure to let you know.

And regardless of whether you comment or not, Thanks for Reading!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Two Year-Old CABG

Yup. Done this. I've had THE Quadruple Bypass Surgery, or what is known in the Medical World as Coronary Arterial Bypass Graft--CABG. Signed the dotted line and came out with the 10" Zipper two years ago today!

Because of some fortunate Timing, a cracker-jack Medical Team, the support of Spouse, Family, Friends and the attendance of Angels, I'm still around and Kickin'! Didn't quite expect to be.

I'm one of those who believes that genetics played a role but it wasn't just that. I've always tended to eat what I want, when I want. And I've lived too sedentary a lifestyle--at least outwardly.. But I also think God used this to get me to slow down otherwise and think about some things.

Nothing's Perfected as of yet. And I'm still Thinking.
And Reading.
And Writing. 
And Praying.
And thankfully, Growing.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Psalm Eleven

Psalm Eleven

O ye who pray
  to the Lord Almighty,
do you not restrict him
  by instruction too much
  or demands too specific?!

Leave room for the Lord
  to surprise you,
  and delight you,

Then you will know
  that the Lord,
  He is God!

And that there is
no other!

28 October 2005

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dreaming Questions

Earlier today I posted the following of facebook: Do Dreams really tell you anything? I've been trying to find out. Interesting Journey! A Number of People responded but I've managed to come up with a few more Questions.
  • Do you pay attention to your Dreams?
  • Do you keep a Dream Journal?
  • Do you believe Dreams speak to you about Present Situations?
  • Do you believe Dreams can indicate Situations or Difficulties of Past Lifetimes?
  • Have you ever read Articles or Books focusing on Dream Interpretation?
  • Have you ever sought Professional Interpretation of your Dreams?
  • Has such increased Understanding of your Dreams encouraged or supported Lifestyle Changes?
I'm still formulating answers for myself but I'd love you consider your opinion if you'd care to share.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Book Reviews

Some time ago, I began to add very short Book Reviews to our Business Facebook Page for Glen Eyrie. I've written several Book and Film Reviews the past few years for Amazon. Having enjoyed that experience, I thought that such blurbs highly condensed might possibly add some interest to the Glen Discussion overall. So far--not so much.

It's a challenge to come up with those pithy, precise statements that are at once clever and have something to say. I read the reviews of others and find things I'd like to emulate such as style and vocabulary and clarity. Yes, I'd like to learn to write that way. 

So I'll keep at it and possibly Folks will begin to notice. Perhaps some will come to find those Titles I mention are just pretty good reads, which is what I'm interested in after all . . .  

Monday, February 28, 2011

Yes, it's Urgent!

Save the Planet;
it's our only source of Chocolate!
Freely Jacked from a fb Friend! Edited slightly.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Shema

I've been reading Deutoronomy lately, focusing especially on the Shema, as found in Deut. 6:4-9. The Shema is one of the Pearls of Jewish Faith and Practice.

Hear, Oh Israel! The Lord Our God; The Lord is One!

You shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your resources. Let these matters that I command you today be upon your heart. Teach them thoroughly to your children and speak of them while you sit in your home, while you walk on the way, when you retire and when you arise. Bind them as a sign upon your arm and let them be tefillin between your eyes. And write them on the doorposts of your house and upon your gates.

My Hebrew is still that of a Beginner but I'm getting there . . .

Friday, February 25, 2011

Perhaps a Philosophical or Doctrinal Disagreement . . .

This just strikes me as appropriate for the Day! Do you ever feel yourself in one position or the other?

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I had Three Important Appointments today with a Trifecta of Friends who are extraordinarily meaningful to me. And as a result, today was quite encouraging--uplifting even.

I consulted with a professional Metaphyisical Analyst regarding some Lessons and Attitude Adjustments I should have been attentive to long ago. It didn't take long for her to nail down what my particular Baggage is and how we might address it. She is knowledgable and articulate and warm and yet tells me forthrightly what I need to know.

The second Person is a long-time Friend and former Colleague in another Life (i.e., the Teaching Profession). We have lunch and check signals and compare notes every 3-4 months or so. Gives us both a chance to vent, clear our heads and have a few laughs. I've been told I need to laugh more. I believe this assessment to be true; I don't have a sense of humor of which I'm aware.

The visit to my Primary Care Physician was no less a treat, especially since (most of) my Numbers were just pretty good today (I'd SWARE those Scales are off!). And sometime between our last meeting and the one today she had found time to read a draft of my Novel and offer both written and verbal feedback.

I mean to work harder to become like these three dear People. Straightforward and Honest. Genuinely Affable and Approachable. And most of all, Available.

These are Wonderful Friends indeed and I'm very fortunate. So . . . Yes, it's been a Pretty Good Day.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Stop the Rules?

It is commonly held that I'm one of the Better Drivers on the road today; or at least it's a commonly held notion by me. I will also admit to not being entirely patient with others as they scurry to and fro about their business. And yes, Blue Language and Invective is sometimes involved. But What Is It with Running Stop Signs and Stop Lights?!

Folks no longer slow down as the lights turn yellow; they accelerate! And not just the one car (sometimes this includes me) sort of caught in the squeeze; it's the next four or five vehicles. I can be sitting there with a green light and still they come!

I seldom see even the 'California Stop' at the Octagonals anymore. If People are looking at all, it's to gauge whether they can pull on out onto the road before you reach them in hot moving traffic. It doesn't matter that they're driving 8 mph and accelerating ever so slowly. They Made It!

And even Face-to-Face at the Light with NO Turn Signal? The New Game is to make that turn In Front Of You before you can even BEGIN to accelerate through the intersection. Sheeesh!

I Swear! It's easier and safer to drive I-25 and on into Denver Town than in this place!

I DESPISE the Lack of Concern shown by Errant and Uncaring drivers! And WHERE IS that Kill Switch I can use on the other Guy's Car when I need it?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

For Whom do I Work?

I work at Glen Eyrie in Colorado Springs, which is essentially a Private Christian Conference Center. There’s more to our Business of course, but that’s the Gist of it.

If I consider my Values and Work Ethic in this place, my list looks something like this:
·        Recognize the One with whom we all have to do.
·        Understand the Vision of Ownership.
·        Support the Implementation of Leadership.
·        Follow the Directives of Management.
·        Acknowledge and Affirm the Efforts and Contributions of Teammates and Colleagues.

And with these Priorities in mind, be Attentive to our Guests and their Needs.

Everything Else is interpretation and application, which though important, is supportive and secondary.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Visiting Vladina

When I was growing up, I couldn't help but notice the dozens of pill bottles around -- on the fridge; in the bathroom cabinet. For the several years that my GrandMother lived with us, her stash was kept in a Tupperware container atop the microwave. It always seemed that my Folks were either filling prescriptions or going in for blood work or taking some kind of test or other. I have now become that Person!

My Dad, his Mother and Father, and all Dad's Brothers save one died from Heart Disease. And as made clear to me only two years ago, I have the genetic disposition for heart disease as well. Since my CABG 4x 'Procedure,' (read: by-pass surgery!) two years ago, I've become even more aware of what I need to be doing to make it to maybe . . . 70 years. That seems to be the limit for Millsap Men.

As Vladina was drawing my Blood today -- five vials worth -- I gave thought MY responsibilities. My Doctors and Nurses and Techs have done their part; I've nothing but praise for their skills and efforts on my behalf. Seems like the least I could do is follow instructions more energetically and thereby invest in my own Health and Longevity.

Yup. Seems like if I want to continue as a productive Spouse and see my GrandChildren into Adulthood, that's the reasonable thing to do.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Psalm Ten

There was a period of several years where I was into writing Psalms, Proverbs, Prayers and Collects. Wonderful Exercise! Splendid Means of Meditation and offering Praise!

Psalm Ten

The Lord has been
  most gracious to me,
  most merciful.

He hears my pleas
  and sustains me
  sufficient for the day.

My family and friends,
  colleagues and students,
  benefit all,
for the Lord
  has heard my pleas
  and has responded
  time and again
  with loving kindness.

Blessed be the Name
  of the Lord!

28 October 2005

Friday, February 18, 2011

Working Plan for 'Lucid Noodle'

Here's my Working Plan for Lucid Noodle thus far:  
   Sunday--The Spiritual Journey: Issues and Writings and Personal Spiritual Context and Worshipful Expressions of Moment.
   Monday--Greetings to the Week: A Paragraph; a Line or Two; A Pic maybe?
   Tuesday--Bi'ness Thoughts: What's going on in the Business World at Glen Eyrie and Elsewhere.
   Wednesday--Caniptions, Hissy Fits and The Vapors: Getting Along with My Feminine Side. (Yup, I'm aware of the Dangers!)

   Thursday--The Whimsical Muse: Whatever Humors Me on my Dayy Oft!
   Friday--Reposts: Things I've worked on previously and may have even posted or published elsewhere.
   Saturday--Shabbat Shalom! No Writing or Posting on the Blog this Day.
   Holiday Preemptions: Kinda Speaks for Its Own Self.

Of course, this is ALL subject to Review, Revision and Refinement--even Rejection. But let me know what you think?

Psalm Nine

On Fridays, my current intention is to Repost something I've previously written. This Psalm comes from Book II of my private collection of Poetics.

Psalm Nine

In the silence of the night
  I am mindful of you,
  O Lord!
Your majesty and goodness
  are ever in my thoughts.

You sustain me, O God!
Your Holy Word comforts me
  and your Creation lifts me up.

Like Paul of Old,
  I am ready to come home.
I am thankful for the Gift
  and yet, I am weary of this place.

The problems overwhelm me;
  the difficulties perplex.
My bones ache and my head hurts.
My breathing is heavy
and my mind wanders
  and is often lost.

My eyes no longer focus clearly,
  neither near nor far.
They water more and more
  as in weeping.

My emotions are ragged
I am wound as tight as a drum.
My nerves are scraped
  as one grates at cheese.

Even after two and fifty years
  I feel yet a child.
“I do not know how to go out
   nor to come in.”

I complain and yet
  do not wish to complain,
for I know I’ve been given
  a great gift with purpose.

My complaints reach the ears
  of good friends.
I’m told I’m doing fine
  but their words provide
  but short-term comfort.

Like Paul, I know it is better
  for family and for friends           
that I stay a while longer
  and finish my appointed chores.

It is your strength
  that sustains me, O Lord!
Your grace is an encouragement
  ever to persevere.

Only you, O God,
  understand fully my plight,
and strengthen me sufficient
  for the day.

Even amidst my weeping,
  I will ever be thankful
  and praise your Holy Name.

Praise the Lord God!
Praise the Lord God Almighty!

4 August 2005

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Friends

I'm always up for meeting a New Friend. I often find such a Person interesting and wonderful and unique--in other words, they're just like everyone else.

I've meet someone Face-to-Face today who'd I'd visited with previously via facebook and Skype, so she wasn't a total stranger. I will be consulting with her as a Professional regarding some matters that have become important to me in my Middle Years. I'm thinking also that I might share some experiences and insights along the way that will be at once a means of record and self-reflection. Such issues are somehow different when seen in print. They become more real to me, vibrant even.

Perhaps I'll talk about other things as well. Perhaps you'll even join me and enter into the Conversation, if you please.

But in the meantime, I'm encouraged by our dialogue this morning, and what might come of the Journey.