Monday, February 21, 2011

Visiting Vladina

When I was growing up, I couldn't help but notice the dozens of pill bottles around -- on the fridge; in the bathroom cabinet. For the several years that my GrandMother lived with us, her stash was kept in a Tupperware container atop the microwave. It always seemed that my Folks were either filling prescriptions or going in for blood work or taking some kind of test or other. I have now become that Person!

My Dad, his Mother and Father, and all Dad's Brothers save one died from Heart Disease. And as made clear to me only two years ago, I have the genetic disposition for heart disease as well. Since my CABG 4x 'Procedure,' (read: by-pass surgery!) two years ago, I've become even more aware of what I need to be doing to make it to maybe . . . 70 years. That seems to be the limit for Millsap Men.

As Vladina was drawing my Blood today -- five vials worth -- I gave thought MY responsibilities. My Doctors and Nurses and Techs have done their part; I've nothing but praise for their skills and efforts on my behalf. Seems like the least I could do is follow instructions more energetically and thereby invest in my own Health and Longevity.

Yup. Seems like if I want to continue as a productive Spouse and see my GrandChildren into Adulthood, that's the reasonable thing to do.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim... AGREED! Health by CHOICE NOT BY CHANCE!!
    The docs can give you meds and diagnose illness but the true responsibility lies with what you choose to place in YOUR mouth! I have had to face this myself. You are a smart and capable man. Educate yourself and STEP UP!! This is YOUR life.
    OWN IT!!
