Monday, February 28, 2011

Yes, it's Urgent!

Save the Planet;
it's our only source of Chocolate!
Freely Jacked from a fb Friend! Edited slightly.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Shema

I've been reading Deutoronomy lately, focusing especially on the Shema, as found in Deut. 6:4-9. The Shema is one of the Pearls of Jewish Faith and Practice.

Hear, Oh Israel! The Lord Our God; The Lord is One!

You shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your resources. Let these matters that I command you today be upon your heart. Teach them thoroughly to your children and speak of them while you sit in your home, while you walk on the way, when you retire and when you arise. Bind them as a sign upon your arm and let them be tefillin between your eyes. And write them on the doorposts of your house and upon your gates.

My Hebrew is still that of a Beginner but I'm getting there . . .

Friday, February 25, 2011

Perhaps a Philosophical or Doctrinal Disagreement . . .

This just strikes me as appropriate for the Day! Do you ever feel yourself in one position or the other?

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I had Three Important Appointments today with a Trifecta of Friends who are extraordinarily meaningful to me. And as a result, today was quite encouraging--uplifting even.

I consulted with a professional Metaphyisical Analyst regarding some Lessons and Attitude Adjustments I should have been attentive to long ago. It didn't take long for her to nail down what my particular Baggage is and how we might address it. She is knowledgable and articulate and warm and yet tells me forthrightly what I need to know.

The second Person is a long-time Friend and former Colleague in another Life (i.e., the Teaching Profession). We have lunch and check signals and compare notes every 3-4 months or so. Gives us both a chance to vent, clear our heads and have a few laughs. I've been told I need to laugh more. I believe this assessment to be true; I don't have a sense of humor of which I'm aware.

The visit to my Primary Care Physician was no less a treat, especially since (most of) my Numbers were just pretty good today (I'd SWARE those Scales are off!). And sometime between our last meeting and the one today she had found time to read a draft of my Novel and offer both written and verbal feedback.

I mean to work harder to become like these three dear People. Straightforward and Honest. Genuinely Affable and Approachable. And most of all, Available.

These are Wonderful Friends indeed and I'm very fortunate. So . . . Yes, it's been a Pretty Good Day.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Stop the Rules?

It is commonly held that I'm one of the Better Drivers on the road today; or at least it's a commonly held notion by me. I will also admit to not being entirely patient with others as they scurry to and fro about their business. And yes, Blue Language and Invective is sometimes involved. But What Is It with Running Stop Signs and Stop Lights?!

Folks no longer slow down as the lights turn yellow; they accelerate! And not just the one car (sometimes this includes me) sort of caught in the squeeze; it's the next four or five vehicles. I can be sitting there with a green light and still they come!

I seldom see even the 'California Stop' at the Octagonals anymore. If People are looking at all, it's to gauge whether they can pull on out onto the road before you reach them in hot moving traffic. It doesn't matter that they're driving 8 mph and accelerating ever so slowly. They Made It!

And even Face-to-Face at the Light with NO Turn Signal? The New Game is to make that turn In Front Of You before you can even BEGIN to accelerate through the intersection. Sheeesh!

I Swear! It's easier and safer to drive I-25 and on into Denver Town than in this place!

I DESPISE the Lack of Concern shown by Errant and Uncaring drivers! And WHERE IS that Kill Switch I can use on the other Guy's Car when I need it?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

For Whom do I Work?

I work at Glen Eyrie in Colorado Springs, which is essentially a Private Christian Conference Center. There’s more to our Business of course, but that’s the Gist of it.

If I consider my Values and Work Ethic in this place, my list looks something like this:
·        Recognize the One with whom we all have to do.
·        Understand the Vision of Ownership.
·        Support the Implementation of Leadership.
·        Follow the Directives of Management.
·        Acknowledge and Affirm the Efforts and Contributions of Teammates and Colleagues.

And with these Priorities in mind, be Attentive to our Guests and their Needs.

Everything Else is interpretation and application, which though important, is supportive and secondary.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Visiting Vladina

When I was growing up, I couldn't help but notice the dozens of pill bottles around -- on the fridge; in the bathroom cabinet. For the several years that my GrandMother lived with us, her stash was kept in a Tupperware container atop the microwave. It always seemed that my Folks were either filling prescriptions or going in for blood work or taking some kind of test or other. I have now become that Person!

My Dad, his Mother and Father, and all Dad's Brothers save one died from Heart Disease. And as made clear to me only two years ago, I have the genetic disposition for heart disease as well. Since my CABG 4x 'Procedure,' (read: by-pass surgery!) two years ago, I've become even more aware of what I need to be doing to make it to maybe . . . 70 years. That seems to be the limit for Millsap Men.

As Vladina was drawing my Blood today -- five vials worth -- I gave thought MY responsibilities. My Doctors and Nurses and Techs have done their part; I've nothing but praise for their skills and efforts on my behalf. Seems like the least I could do is follow instructions more energetically and thereby invest in my own Health and Longevity.

Yup. Seems like if I want to continue as a productive Spouse and see my GrandChildren into Adulthood, that's the reasonable thing to do.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Psalm Ten

There was a period of several years where I was into writing Psalms, Proverbs, Prayers and Collects. Wonderful Exercise! Splendid Means of Meditation and offering Praise!

Psalm Ten

The Lord has been
  most gracious to me,
  most merciful.

He hears my pleas
  and sustains me
  sufficient for the day.

My family and friends,
  colleagues and students,
  benefit all,
for the Lord
  has heard my pleas
  and has responded
  time and again
  with loving kindness.

Blessed be the Name
  of the Lord!

28 October 2005

Friday, February 18, 2011

Working Plan for 'Lucid Noodle'

Here's my Working Plan for Lucid Noodle thus far:  
   Sunday--The Spiritual Journey: Issues and Writings and Personal Spiritual Context and Worshipful Expressions of Moment.
   Monday--Greetings to the Week: A Paragraph; a Line or Two; A Pic maybe?
   Tuesday--Bi'ness Thoughts: What's going on in the Business World at Glen Eyrie and Elsewhere.
   Wednesday--Caniptions, Hissy Fits and The Vapors: Getting Along with My Feminine Side. (Yup, I'm aware of the Dangers!)

   Thursday--The Whimsical Muse: Whatever Humors Me on my Dayy Oft!
   Friday--Reposts: Things I've worked on previously and may have even posted or published elsewhere.
   Saturday--Shabbat Shalom! No Writing or Posting on the Blog this Day.
   Holiday Preemptions: Kinda Speaks for Its Own Self.

Of course, this is ALL subject to Review, Revision and Refinement--even Rejection. But let me know what you think?

Psalm Nine

On Fridays, my current intention is to Repost something I've previously written. This Psalm comes from Book II of my private collection of Poetics.

Psalm Nine

In the silence of the night
  I am mindful of you,
  O Lord!
Your majesty and goodness
  are ever in my thoughts.

You sustain me, O God!
Your Holy Word comforts me
  and your Creation lifts me up.

Like Paul of Old,
  I am ready to come home.
I am thankful for the Gift
  and yet, I am weary of this place.

The problems overwhelm me;
  the difficulties perplex.
My bones ache and my head hurts.
My breathing is heavy
and my mind wanders
  and is often lost.

My eyes no longer focus clearly,
  neither near nor far.
They water more and more
  as in weeping.

My emotions are ragged
I am wound as tight as a drum.
My nerves are scraped
  as one grates at cheese.

Even after two and fifty years
  I feel yet a child.
“I do not know how to go out
   nor to come in.”

I complain and yet
  do not wish to complain,
for I know I’ve been given
  a great gift with purpose.

My complaints reach the ears
  of good friends.
I’m told I’m doing fine
  but their words provide
  but short-term comfort.

Like Paul, I know it is better
  for family and for friends           
that I stay a while longer
  and finish my appointed chores.

It is your strength
  that sustains me, O Lord!
Your grace is an encouragement
  ever to persevere.

Only you, O God,
  understand fully my plight,
and strengthen me sufficient
  for the day.

Even amidst my weeping,
  I will ever be thankful
  and praise your Holy Name.

Praise the Lord God!
Praise the Lord God Almighty!

4 August 2005

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Friends

I'm always up for meeting a New Friend. I often find such a Person interesting and wonderful and unique--in other words, they're just like everyone else.

I've meet someone Face-to-Face today who'd I'd visited with previously via facebook and Skype, so she wasn't a total stranger. I will be consulting with her as a Professional regarding some matters that have become important to me in my Middle Years. I'm thinking also that I might share some experiences and insights along the way that will be at once a means of record and self-reflection. Such issues are somehow different when seen in print. They become more real to me, vibrant even.

Perhaps I'll talk about other things as well. Perhaps you'll even join me and enter into the Conversation, if you please.

But in the meantime, I'm encouraged by our dialogue this morning, and what might come of the Journey.