Thursday, May 23, 2013

Classical Preferences

I love our local Classical Music Station, KCME. I really do! I listen frequently and contribute to the cause, so I figure I can vent a little. I may even send a copy of this blog to the station; they should know how I feel.

·        There is too much piano by far! And excuse me but at least half of the 90% (Berra?) recorded from the boatload written is worthless drivel.

·        Please play more vocal music: arias, choral selections, art songs, operatic segments, etc. And when you so do, play a version featuring the human voice, not just some re-arranged orchestral elevator claptrap.

·        Tagging in on the previous point, Gilbert & Sullivan are worthy of more air time.

·        Most anything having to do with theme and variations should remain in the composer’s study and/or the rehearsal room. There are few exceptions to this rule.

·        Consider playing the entire symphony rather than selected movements? And perhaps program some of the lesser-know symphonies?

·        Maybe take a risk and play some Schönberg, Hindemith, Ligeti or Tippett?

·        How about more in the way of Medieval Music? Percussion Ensemble? Ethnic renderings? There’s a treasure trove in Jewish music alone!

·        I’m good for authentic renderings of our great musical works rather than transcriptions: an organ piece performed on organ, original band works performed by a fine wind band, harpsichord and virginal music so played, etc.

·        Asking a fine symphony orchestra or chorus to attempt to perform jazz is like trying to teach a raccoon to dance—your instructional efforts are pretty much wasted, and you also annoy the ‘coon. Stop it.

And of course, you’ve all a right to my opinion.

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